
Building Physics

The book Building Physics: From physical principles to international standards, published by Springer (2017, 2021) and translated to Chinese (2021).

Dalmatian culture

The oldest web pages on klapa songs and Dalmatian culture in general (since 1997).

MP Electronic Devices

Various topics on electronic devices.

Model train nostalgia

Various advices on repairing and improving old HO model railway.

Academic choir "Ivan Goran Kovacic" - choir town

The oldest Croatian musical web pages that represent one of the most renowned Croatian choirs (since 1995).

Infracrveni Agram / Infrared Zagreb

The capital of Croatia through the lenses of the thermographic camera.

Music, Politics, and War: Views from Croatia

Sound recordings that accompany book "Music, Politics, and War: Views from Croatia", edited by Svanibor Pettan.

Latin proverbs and locutions

The list of most common Latin proverbs and locutions, organised in a way that anyone can suggest some to be included.

Using LaTeX on Windows

Useful resources for those who intend to (re)install 'MikTeX' LaTeX distribution on their Windows machine.

Marko Pinteric data

The most important professional and personal data of Marko Pinteric.

Standpoints/Stalisca (English/Slovenian)

Collection of short articles written by Marko Pinteric. / Zbirka kratkih clankov, ki jih je napisal Marko Pinteric.

Tabula Marca

Marko Pinteric personal web page from student days (since 1994).

Make WD40 replacement straw

Instructions on how to create your own WD40 replacement straw.

Object-oriented programming for one instance

An opinion on whether object-oriented programming makes sense for a single object.

webmaster - personal e-mail

Created by Marko Pinteric.